BBA: Feza shines bright like a Diamond

clip_image002Tanzania's Feza is officially the first Head Of House of the Diamond House! Can you say girl power?

After a stressful day of Nominations, Feza heaved a huge sigh of relief when she pipped her fellow Housemates to the coveted HOH position.
The benefits of holding such a lofty position in the race to the Big Brother Africa Finale cannot be stressed enough and no one knows this better than the Housemates themselves. Feza will be afforded the opportunity later this evening to use her HOH powers to ‘Save’ a Nominated Housemate of her choosing from the Eviction gallows and ‘Replace’ them with another.
As if sensing how important it is to maintain cordial relations with the HOH, Nando, Angolo and Bimp almost tripped over themselves in their scramble to give Feza a collective congratulatory hug as soon as Biggie announced the big news. Ethiopia’s Betty - completely unaware that Feza actually Nominated her for possible Eviction earlier this afternoon - also gave the Tanzanian a big hug and a dazzling smile. Could Betty’s friendly gesture help change Feza’s mind when she has to do her ‘Swap’ in the Diary Room tonight?
Kenya’s Hudda, Uganda’s Denzel and Elikem received the highest number of Nominations in the Diamond House during tense Nominations Sessions earlier this afternoon. Huddah was described as shallow-minded and obnoxious, while Denzel was put on the chopping block for not being a team player. Elikem, on the other hand, was Nominated for being bossy.
How Feza did it:
The Head of House Task was completely random. All the Housemates were required to reach into a box placed in the garden, without taking a peek. Whoever picked the winning ball would be Head of House.
Stay tuned to DStv channels 197 and 198 for all your Big Brother Africa The Chase action or catch the daily shows on Africa Magic Entertainment (DSTV channel 150) at 20:00 CAT

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