Mfanyabiashara mmoja huku Uk Amejikuta kipigwa na Butwaa Baada ya Madaktari kumwambia Kuwa haumwi Cancer Kama alivyokuwa Akifiria Baada ya kila Mara Kupata Haja kubwa na Mkojo zikiwa zimechanganyika na Damu, lakini kumbe ana kizazi na hizo damu anazoona zikitoka kwa njia ya haja kubwa na mkojo ni pale anapokuwa katika Siku zake za Mwezini Ama Period, Madaktari wamemwambia kwa hali hiyo hata kushika mimba anaweza kama akitokea akitaka, Kwa sasa anajiandaa kwa upasuaji ili kuondoa kizazi hicho..

English Version !!!
A UK businessman was given the greatest shock of his life when he visited the hospital. He was told that he was not suffering from cancer because of the blood in his urine, but he has a fully functioning womb in addition to the typical male genitalia and has been having periods since his teens. The 37-year-old said he has experienced strange symptoms for years, such as a dull ache after sex, but his concerns were always brushed aside by medics. Specialists have since discovered that, as well has having typical exterior male genitalia, he also has an interior uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries. The man is suffering from a rare genetic disorder and may even be able to get pregnant. He is now preparing for surgery to remove the womb having lived his whole life as a 'red blooded'

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