clip_image001As a parent of two kids [boys]  who admires and tries to imitate everything “Bieber”, I was hoping to never write this. However, I must admit, I saw it coming…somehow. Fame and money, although they look like identical twins, at times they truly dislike each other.

Here is the news: Miami Police Police say Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber has been arrested after drag racing on a Miami Beach street in a yellow Lamborghini and failing a sobriety test which simply means Justin was driving under influence [DUI]. The 19-year-old pop star failed a field sobriety test and was taken to the Miami Beach police station for a breath test and processing.

Bieber and a friend, identified as a fellow singer named Khalil Sharieff, both face charges of drag-racing and driving under the influence. Bieber also was charged with resisting arrest without violence and driving with an expired Georgia driver’s license according to Miami-Dade Police spokeswoman.

Under Florida law, people under the age of 21 are considered driving under the influence if they have a blood-alcohol content of .02 per cent or more – a level he could reach with one drink. For 21 and over, it is .08 per cent.

For a first DUI offence, there is no minimum sentence and a maximum of six months, a fine of $250 to $500, and 50 hours of community service. For anyone under 21, there is an automatic six-month license suspension. First offence of a drag-racing offence nets a sentence of up to six months, a fine of $500 to $1,000, and a one-year license suspension.

Just over a week ago, detectives had searched Bieber’s home in southern California looking for surveillance footage that might serve as evidence he was involved in an egg-tossing vandalism. Officials said the egg-tossing caused thousands of dollars in damage to a neighbour’s home.

Bieber was at the home and co-operated with authorities but was not interviewed by detectives at the time.In that case, authorities arrested one member of Bieber’s entourage on suspicion of drug possession: Lil Za, a rapper whose real name is Xavier Smith.

After being taken to jail, Smith had felony vandalism added to his potential charges and was released on bail. A police official said at the time that Bieber had not been arrested, ”nor has he been exonerated.”

Bieber lives in a gated community in Calabasas, a celebrity enclave about 50 kilometres northwest of downtown Los Angeles. Previous investigations into Bieber’s conduct by the sheriff’s department have not resulted in charges.

Last October, prosecutors declined to charge Bieber after a neighbour complained he drove recklessly through the area. Prosecutors in November 2012 also declined to charge the singer after he was accused of punching and hitting a man after leaving a Calabasas movie theatre.


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