clip_image001Obama kuzitembelea nchi za Senegal,South Afrika na Jakaya land ni swala ambalo itawachukua mda mlefu sana kulichukulia poa,toka itoke habari ya Obama kutoenda kenya kwwa stayle tofauti wakenya wamekuwa wakionyesha hisia zao za kutopendezwa na kitendo hicho
Funga kazi ni Mkenya kutoka Kisumu Kumwandikia Obama ujumbe wa Utani akiblame Kitendo hicho kilichochukiza wakenya wengi
Usome hapo chini ujumbe huo ulisambaa sana kwenye mitandao ya kijamii duniani

Dear long distance kasin,
You refused to reply the letter that i sent through yahoo, i donno why, but sokey sorait. am assuming osama bin laden resurrected, hacked the network, intersected the letter, edited it and included an attachment of a bomb, thereby prompting interpol and FBI to take the letter and diffuse the bomb. that has entered my heart malit but onge wach anything is possible, even beyonce teeee goes to the toilet whether se likes it or not.
koro this letter am sending through gmail, I hope it will reach. kasin, buana i heard you are coming these sides? that specifically, you are coming to senegal, south africa and here in tansania, is it true? How can you come to south africa and fail to come to kogelo, siaya??
kasin you need to come and witness for yourself-your lion is falling down, the cowdung of the chest of your lion is peeling, grass is growing in the centre of your lion, the roof of
your lion is letting the sun into the lion, dogs are chasing sleep in your lion with their women, cats are using your lion as a jerrican, your grandmother is being insulted by adan duale that se is a thief and is greedy, the dipiuty is hiring a cheap jet at sh100 million, cows producing KCC are talking, pigs are in parliament, GOR beat AFC leopards and put it in the mbugru and finally linda ogutu will read the KTN news at 9!
kasin, i hope misel, sasa and malia are okay? espesially malia…. please reply, even with ‘k’
yours tribemate, fellow english speaking nilote

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